
How To Clean Mold From Window Air Conditioner

Solved! What to Practice About Mold in the Air Conditioner

Determine the extent of mold growth in your Air conditioning and take the proper steps to remove the health chance.

What to Do About Mold in the Air Conditioner


Q: There's been a mysterious, slightly moldy smell in my home all summertime, and this morning, when our window air conditioner kicked on, I noticed that the odour unmistakably came from the unit. I know it'due south unhealthy to breathe air that contains mold spores just I'd rather not buy a new Ac if I can remedy the trouble myself. Is there any way to remove mold from an air conditioner?

A: Molddoes have a trend to grow inside air conditioners that sit down unused for a while. Information technology's likely that mold adult in the unit over the winter and you didn't find it until y'all turned on your AC unit this summer. And you're right to exist concerned well-nigh the health bug this can cause: Mold spores produce allergens that tin can lead to sore throats, headaches, and diverse respiratory symptoms. While odds are the mold in your Air conditioning unit of measurement is not the scary black mold (Stachybotrys chartarum) that you've heard nigh, inhaling mold spores of any blazon can result in respiratory disorders.

RELATED: 14 Surprising Places Where Mold Hides in the Habitation

Successfully banishing mold from an Air-conditioning depends on where it'due south located. If the mold is attainable, yous may well exist able to remove it; but if it's growing in an surface area that'south difficult to access, you'll probably accept to supersede the unit of measurement. Read on for the sleuthing tips and cleaning steps you need to bring clean, safe, absurd air into your home again.

Plough off your air conditioner to foreclose further mold spores from entering your home.

If yous suspect that mold is in your Air-conditioning unit, the US Ecology Protection Agency recommends turning it off so no more mold spores can circulate and contaminate your dwelling house.

Inspect the unit of measurement to decide the extent of the problem.

Unplug the unit, remove the front grille embrace (most snap off merely some are held in place by screws), so pull out the filter beneath the grill. Catch a flashlight and inspect the within of the unit of measurement for the signs of mold growth, which may appear equally streaks or clusters of brown, black, or greenish stains, some of which may appear fuzzy. Mildew, a common type of mold, produces powdery gray or white stains. If you lot find merely a few traces of mold on the hard surfaces inside the unit of measurement, continue with cleaning. If it's filled with heavy mold growth, indicated by mold and mildew deposits that encompass ane-third or more of the expanse of the case and the internal workings, it's probably time to replace the unit of measurement (encounter below for the problems associated with heavy mold growth).

Cleaning Out Mold in the Air Conditioner


Make clean small amounts of mold from within the cabinet and/or the grille.

Air conditioning units vary in the way they are assembled, so check your owner's manual to make up one's mind how to place and detach the exterior cabinet so that you lot can access the interior. Before you showtime, assemble your tools and materials and then don a dust mask, goggles, and gloves.

MATERIALS AND TOOLS Available on Amazon
– Screwdriver
– Wet/dry vacuum with a nozzle zipper
– Commercial Ac coil cleaner
–  Garden hose
– Dish lather
– Bleach
– Big plastic bucket
– Scrubbing sponge

  1. Remove the unit from the window, using a screwdriver to remove the frame that secures it. Ac units are heavy, so recruit someone to aid you have it to your yard or driveway and place it on a concrete surface or on a large slice of plywood.
  2. Remove the grille and the filter from the front of the unit. Soak the filter soak in a sink with hot soapy water to which you've added approximately one/2 cup of bleach.
  3. Remove the top and the dorsum of the cabinet, following the directions in your owner's manual.
  4. Vacuum out grit and debris from the inside of the air conditioner. Use a nozzle attachment to get out as much as possible.
  5. Spray the coils (U-shaped metal tubes about the front end and the dorsum of the unit) with commercial curlicue cleaner and let the production dwell as directed past the manufacturer to dissolve anything that's collected on AC coils. Cleaning the gunk on the coils is crucial because it provides a breeding ground for mold.
  6. Spray the coils with a garden hose to remove the ringlet cleaner solution. Information technology volition have dissolved the gunk and it should spray right off. While window AC units are adequately waterproof, avoid spraying the controls and the spot where the electrical string is attached.
  7. Make full a plastic saucepan with a few gallons of hot water and about ane/2 cup of household bleach.
  8. Saturate a scrubbing sponge in the bleach solution and use information technology to wipe the inside surfaces of the AC unit of measurement, removing all traces of visible mold. The bleach will kill rest mold spores.
  9. Spray the filter that's been soaking in the sink with the hose to remove all droppings.
  10. Allow the unit to air-dry completely, which could take up to 24 hours, earlier reassembling the unit and reinstalling information technology in your window.

Take precautions to foreclose future mold growth.

Once y'all've had mold in the air conditioner unit, at that place's an increased gamble that it volition develop again despite your cleaning efforts. This is because mold spores could remain within the inner workings of the unit that you were unable to reach. The presence of dust in the unit helps mold spores adhere and abound, and then arrive a exercise to remove the grille and filter every few weeks and vacuum the interior of the unit to keep dust from settling.

RELATED: The Dark, Dirty Truth About Household Mold (And How to Rid Yourself of Information technology)

In addition, don't close off your AC if you won't exist using it for a few days or longer during hot weather condition. This is a common practice when people go on holiday, only when the weather is warm and boiling, mold is more likely to get a foothold in the Ac unit. The air motility that occurs when the unit is running helps prevent mold growth. If you lot want to save on cooling costs when you're gone, set the thermostat on your air conditioner to a higher-than-normal temperature. For example, if yous usually set the temperature to 75 degrees Fahrenheit when you lot're dwelling, prepare information technology x degrees warmer to 85 degrees Fahrenheit before you go out. That way, the AC volition not run as often, but it will nevertheless cycle on occasionally when the temp in the house rises. This volition allow air to circulate through the unit and reduce the gamble of mold growing while you're gone.

Replace a window AC unit that'southward filled with heavy mold.

If upon your initial inspection, yous discover rampant mold and mildew in the air conditioner, do non try to make clean it. Visible heavy mold indicates that more mold is flourishing in places you lot cannot see or easily achieve, such as inside the fan motor casing. Alternately, you lot could call a mold remediation specialist to inspect the unit to encounter if it can be professionally cleaned, but the consultation could cost as much every bit purchasing a new air conditioner. Bottom line: It's unhealthy to breathe air contaminated with mold spores, and so if you can't finer make clean the unit, information technology should exist replaced.

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